Town of Southampton
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Comps Panel

This section is a "How To", providing the user with a quick tutorial on how to view basic information about sales and build a comparables list

Add Comparitive (Comps) Properties

View Basic Inforamtion
- Click within the sale property to view some basic information
View Basic Inforamtion
- Click within the sale property to view some basic information

Types of deeds shown by this application

bBargain And Sale Deed
wWarranty Deed

This section allows the user to remove sale properties that they know they dont need.

Filter / Remove Sales

Property Type
- All properties within the Town of Southampton are given a property class Code according to NYS Property Type Classification and Ownership Codes. the different types are defined on page vii of the document.
Date From / Date To
- This allows the user to only show sales from a specific date range.
Min Price / Max Price
- This allows the user to only show sales from within a specific price range
Min Price / Max Price
- This allows the user to only show sales from within a specific price range
- This allows the user to show sales that are within a particular hamlet of the Town of Southampton

The address search options given include basic and advanced. The advanced search is a search on values that are within the Town of Southampton's address database. If a location or value cannot be found the value typed in is inccorect or it doesnt exist within Town limits. The basic search is less formal but provides users with addional flexability users can search for locations by name as well as address. The same type of functionality that is commonly found on Bing Maps

Search For Address

Search For Address
- Similar to the search functionality that one would find at Bing Maps. Users can search for Historic sites, Airports, Bridges, etc. (for a complete list Click Here) as well as addresses
Advanced Search
- Auto Complete Entries. Once you start typing the box should start auto-completing your entry. If the entry is incorrect the box will turn red and an indicator will appear. If an entry cannot be found, either the value typed in is inccorect or it doesn't exist within Town limits
- Finds sales by their entry in the town of Southampton's database.
- 3 different Search Types:
  • Tax Map Number / DSBL
  • Last Name
  • Address