- Transparent
- 50%
- Opaque
To determine the Park Fee for a new subdivision you can search on the property by Street Address, Tax Map Number or Owner Last Name and then multiply the value to the number of dwelling units or residential lots as prescribed below. In some instance, prescribed below, the Park Fee is a flat rate and is not determined by the Park Fee formula. The Park Fee is set by the Planning Board just prior to map signature, not at the time of approval, in order to reflect most closely the value of land at the time that the subdivision lots come onto the market.
Southampton Town Code Section 292-35 prescribes a Park Requirement for new Residential Subdivisions. Where the Planning
Board determines, however, that “a suitable park site of adequate size cannot be properly located within the plat, in whole or in part, the subdivider shall be required to pay a
park fee to the Town equal in amount to the land-only value at the time of the subdivision procedure of the land area that would otherwise be required for a park site, as
determined by the median per-acre land-only value, for the respective assessment neighborhood within which the subdivision is located, adjusted by 50% to account for the value
difference between raw land and developable land, and adjusted by the state equalization rate in effect at the time of the calculation.” (median acre land value x .5 x
number of dwelling units or residential lots x .05 / equalization rate). Town Code Section 292-3 defines the Park Fee as “Money paid in lieu of park dedication to the
Town of Southampton Park Fund for use in the acquisition of Town parks.”
In determining the number of dwelling units or residential lots, the Planning Board shall exclude the existing overall parcel if said parcel existed in single and separate
ownership prior to the adoption of the Subdivision Regulations on May 6, 1975, and shall exclude any existing dwellings regardless of whether the parcel existed in single and
separate ownership prior to May 6, 1975.
For Conservation Opportunities Subdivisions, the amount of the Park Fees is $2,500 per dwelling unit or residential lot, as determined above.
For those dwelling units or residential lots that are to be set aside for affordable or moderate-income housing, as defined in the Southampton Town Code, the Park Fee is waived.
For Subdivisions not exceeding two dwelling units or residential lots, as determined above, the amount of the Park Fee is $2,500 per dwelling unit or residential lot.
If the overall parcel existed in single and separate ownership prior to the adoption of the Subdivision Regulations on May 6, 1975, or the parcel was created on a subdivision
map and was subject to a Park Fee at that time, the Park Fee is $2,500 for the one net increase in dwelling units or residential lots. If the overall parcel did not exist in
single and separate ownership prior to May 6, 1975, or was never subject to a Park Fee, the Park Fee for a two dwelling unit or two residential lot subdivision is $5,000.
This flat fee provision is only available on a one time basis. The Park Fee for the further subdivision of lots which were assessed the flat fee will be calculated on the
assessed value formula.
Where the proposed Subdivision is located in the Agricultural Overlay District or the Aquifer Protection Overlay District and creates three or more residential lots where the
area of each lot is at least ten acres of vacant land, and each of the new residential lots will be restricted with an Agricultural or Conservation Easement for at least 20 years
from the filing of the Subdivision Map creating these lots, the Park Fee is based on the Town Assessor’s current land adjustment grid for term easements, in conjunction with the
current Park Fee.