Town of Southampton GIS

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Historic Planning Maps

The GIS Department is in the midst of upgrading the current version of GIS (former Land Manager) to a new version. This version is currently in available to users as a Beta test. This upgrade represents a significant advancement in both the back-end (web server) and front-end (client side) functionality. Some of these advancements you will not notice and others will be immediately apparent. In particular the overall layout of the website has been dramatically altered.

While the Beta version and existing production version have not reached complete parity, many components from the existing version of GIS have been upgraded, some are a work in progress, and some of the components have been intentionally left out. With this in mind please send Ross/James an email if you see an error on the website, one of the functions that you've used in the past doesn’t exist, if you need help navigating the site, or simply some general comments.

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2008 Aerial Imagery
2004 Aerial Imagery
2001 Aerial Imagery
1996 Aerial Imagery
1994 Aerial Imagery
1984 Aerial Imagery
1976 Aerial Imagery
1962 Aerial Imagery
1930 Aerial Imagery
Historic Planning Maps
Town Website
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Zoning Maps
Bridgehampton To East Hampton Zoning Map (PDF)
Eastport to Westhampton Zoning Map (PDF)
Hampton Bays To Shinnecock Hills Zoning Map (PDF)
Shinnecock Hills To Bridgehampton Zoning Map (PDF)
Westhampton To Hampton Bays Zoning Map (PDF)
Tech Support
SC Tax Map Book (2023)
Town Land Use Patterns (1968)
Water Table Contour Map (1983)
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Global Forest Watch
Environmental Resource Mapper - NYS DEC
2020 Census Demographic Data Map Viewer
Earth Explorer
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NOAA Now Coast
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